Renfe AVE 03132 stops
Renfe AVE 03132 stops

Renfe AVE 03132 stops
renfe seats
renfe seats
On the AVE to Madrid, select row 8 or 9, or 11 and 12 in the middle of the train. There isn't a view in row 7, 10, 13. Row 9 has a better view of the TV screen but the movie is dubbed in Spanish with Catalan subtitles!

renfe seats
On the AVE to Madrid, select row 8 or 9, or 11 and 12 in the middle of the train. There isn't a view in row 7, 10, 13. Row 9 has a better view of the TV screen but the movie is dubbed in Spanish with Catalan subtitles!
renfe fare example sunday
renfe fare example sunday

renfe fare example sunday
Renfe AVE Turista Class coach row 8
Renfe AVE Turista Class coach row 8

Renfe AVE Turista Class coach row 8
renfe overhead
renfe overhead

renfe overhead
Renfe AVE overhead bins
Renfe AVE overhead bins

Renfe AVE overhead bins
Renfe Barcelona Sants station Ave 3132 to Madrid
Renfe Barcelona Sants station Ave 3132 to Madrid

Renfe Barcelona Sants station Ave 3132 to Madrid
renfe train car
renfe train car

renfe train car